Retargetable Optimizing Backend
ROBE is an alternate backend/optimizer for clang other than LLVM. Current target is x86-64, though extensible to other architectures.
When compiling C/C++ code and comparing to LLVM at -O2:
Significantly faster compile time.
Comparable performance of generated code.
Performance of generated code is good. Compile time is very good. Released executables are self-hosted (i.e. compiled with itself).
How to Use
Download and install appropriate clang version.
Recommend V15 is for latest release.
Download and unpack zip file from releases page.
will include two (ccx, robex) executables.
Add to your path the location that you put the executables in or compile from directory that the executables are in.
on Linux found most convenient to put in /usr/bin
Use ccx command to compile C/C++ program(s).